Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Obesity in children

There are high number of overweight children in the world, there are many reasons children's are overweight, I am going to share three reasons why children are obese, two kinds of health problem, and solution. The first reason they spend many hours watching television and playing video games instead of playing football or other  outside activity. That is why Children are becoming less physically active and  without the supervision of their parents children play video games or watch television for long hours. The second reason, Kids may have overweight parents that eat unhealthy food such as fast food and processed food which have no or few nutrients that will benefit our body. In a fact, the children will eat what their parents give them to eat, the bad influence from the parents might be a reason why children eat unhealthy food and get obese. The third reason, the advertisement can convince children to buy and eat the product shown in the television and especially when their favorite cartoon character is doing the advertisement. In addition, what are the consequences of being overweight for the children they can have many health problems that might lead them to die in young age. The health problem that kids can have by being overweight, they can have high blood pressure and high lipid count in their blood, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, heart attack and strokes, kidney, type 2 diabetes in adulthood, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and chronic liver failure. These are some of the diseases that are caused by being overweight child.  There can be psychological health problems the child can have such as  lack of confidence for the reason that their  weight and they can also feel depressed because they do not feel fit when they compare themselves to their friends. Furthermore,  some solution schools can do  some changes to prevent children to be obese. The first change, the canteen food menu have to be changed from the unhealthy food such as french fries, burger, hot-dog, and other unhealthy food and  replace it by healthy food such as salads, sushi, baked chicken, or other healthy food options. The last solution, educate the children about healthy diet by giving a lecture each week or till a period of time because the children are not well educated to differentiate from healthy  and unhealthy food and it is the school responsibility to teach the children and advice them to do the right thing. In brief, obese children can have many health problem that may lead them to die early or be depressed, this going to be a big problem if most of the children will have health problem in young age.

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