Wednesday, December 31, 2014

When can you can interrupt someone in a conversation?

Interrupting someone while they are talking is not a polite thing to do. However, there are some situation we have to interrupt people while they are talking for a good reason. There are  seven situations you can interrupt someone while they are talking without making them get mad from you or think you do not have good manners.

1- Lost of focus:
when someone lost focus and started to talking  about something that is not related to the topic and you are busy  because you have an appointment with a doctor, meeting, or anything else but at the same time you really want to listen to their story in this situation it is your right to tell them to get to the point. In fact, the person who lose his focus in what he have to say is a person who want to tell you about something exciting happened to him.

Gossiping can be negative in different ways even though many peoples do it. It is not right thing to do because the other person can not talk or defend themselves by gossiping you can injustice to the other person. That  is why it is better to tell the person not to talk about that person or change the subject. In addition, it is the best thing to do because talking about other people is not something nice or good to do and you have to know if that person talking badly about other people she/he will talk badly about you as well.

3- Talking for too long:
sometimes people keep talking about something boring and no one want to listen to it is like that person talking to himself,  you can interrupt the person so you can all enjoy the conversation and have fun time together instead letting the other person talking to himself not knowing that you are not interested in what they are talking about.

4- when their word become inappropriate to say:
The worst thing can happen when you have  nice conversation with someone or group of people but when a someone says words that is not appropriate to say or even to listen to in this situation you can talk and stop the other person to talk because this conversation might end in a fight or end good friendship. Other situation,  when someone talks about something really series and the other person makes a joke this can make the other person really angry or mad because it is not not nice thing to do, so you can prevent someone from getting angry by stopping a person continuing making jokes.

5-monopoly conversation:
when someone talks about the same topic and do not want to change it for example a person want to talk only fashion, sport, politic or other subject that people got bored from listening to . In this situation you can interrupt the person because you are not enjoying the conversation neither the other people are so this is best thing to do, by breaking on the conversation you can let other people talk about things they are interested in and everyone will have chance to talk

6- when no one understand:
when you do not understand what a person is talking about and find what he is talking about is confusing  do not interrupt from the first word you did not understand try to listen. however, when the person is talking about things to do or instructions you can interrupt to ask for more explanation so you can understand what  you have to do and not to get confused or mess the things up.

7- say something cheerful:
when someone is talking about something interesting you can tell them things that are cheerful like WOW, Great, Nice, Well done, or other words that person will like to listen to and would know you are interested on what they are talking about  but be careful not to say it too much because the person will be annoyed or he will think you are faking it, try to limit what you say. you can also you can show the person you are attentive by looking at their eye when they talk or move your head.

source: book لا تقاطعني

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Four types of leadership

A leader is a person that lead group of people in a project or to achieve something. Each leader have it own special characteristics, when the different types of leaders work together they might make a great team. There are four types of leader you might be one of these characteristics, read to know which one you are.

1) Visionary
 He is a person that  start working in the project but he do not finish doing it because he is a person full of ideas and they are fascinating. He is a person that talks a lot sometimes people get mistaken if the visionary is talking seriously foe example to change something in the instruction or just talking. moreover, a visionary person need someone to look for the details of their work because they get easily bored from details. If you are a  visionary person you are  full with ideas so after few minutes you will come with new idea so the best thing to do is to write all your new ideas and keep them in a a file so you can use it anytime when you need it.

The processor a person that think logically and focuses in the efficiency as well as stability of the situation. Some of his characteristic that he may not be loyal to the company and not a team player. The best way to involve a processor when there is a large-scale growth or change in the company and to have a processor is good because he can bring order in work or in the project.

3) operator 
The operator is person that likes a clear direction and he is also a hardworking person that get things done on time and make things happen. They work very good in a small organization because they like to see things done and prefers action to theory. The biggest challenge for an operator when there is delay in work.

4) synergist
synergist is a person that is people-oriented and they are not able to except something specific thing that will happen next in the project. They are very good working with a group of people and get the best out of each person in the group. Most of the time they do nothing and may not come on time if there is an urgent meeting. If they are only good with people so if there is a problem within a group they can most probably solve it.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

How to be interested instead of being interesting

"Nothing is interesting if you are not interested" by Helen Maclnnes. There are three ways that you can show a person that you want to know more about what a they are talking about by asking question to them about the topic they are talking about.

1) Asking questions to show the other person that you are interested to know more in what they are saying. In addition, asking more than one question shows that you are listening to what they are saying. In addition, when can you ask questions? when they person stopped talking because asking when they are talking is not polite and maybe the other person will forget what he was going to say, so try to be polite and ask question in the best time so you do not interrupt the person that is talking. moreover, some other questions you can ask the person that is talking,How did  you get into what you do?, What do you like about it?, What are you trying to accomplish that is important to your career (business, life, etc.)?,  If you were to accomplish that, what would it mean to you and what would it enable you to do?

2) Share your opinion about the topic, you can  your opinion and your experience about the subject because it will be occurred situation if the person was only talking about himself or his on opinion. Moreover, if you continued only asking questions, do not be surprised if the person asked you why you are only asking and not telling about yourself. Try not to put yourself or the other person in occurred situation so try to share your own experience and opinion to get involved in the conversation and to show more interest.

3) Another way you can summaries what the person told you, or just say the main things happened in the story. If you had an opportunity to ask for advice, people like someone asking for advice because it makes them feel interesting as well as wise. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

10 signs someone is lying to you

I think it is really  interesting to know if the person talking to you is telling me the truth or if they are creating something. Instead of guessing what the person is telling me the truth or he is just lying.  There are 10 signs that I want to share it with you in how to to know if a person telling you the truth or just lying to you.

They change their head position quickly: When you ask question to someone and they move their head or their other body parts, you have to know that this person is not going to tell you the truth.

Their breath changes: When someone shoulders moves up and their voice get swallowed their  breath Is going to be heavily.

They stand very still: When you have a conversation with someone it is common see them move around but it is weird to see someone standing like a rock.

They repeat words or phrases: When someone is trying to convince you to believe what they are saying they are going to repeat the same word again and again. 

They provide too much information: By Saying things that are not requested or not related to the topic, this way they are trying to convince you and make you believe in what they are saying.

They touch or cover their mouth or vulnerable body parts: They are talking and then close their mouth that means they do not want to tell you the truth or do not want to tell you everything. They may touch their throat, head or any other vulnerable part in their body.

They shuffle their feet: When their feet shuffles mean they are nervous and want to walk away from this situation. 

It becomes difficult for them to speak: They find it difficult to speak because they feel stress and it might be because it is hard for them to talk about it or think about something to say to you at this time.

They stare at you without blinking much: They might be looking at you without moving their eyes away from you. They are trying to be under control so they do not move around a lot.

They tend to point a lot: When they become defensive they are trying to blame you because they are angry  that you have discovered their lie.


Monday, December 1, 2014

Ways you may be be a destruction your career

There are something that you may do not knowing  it affect our career in indirect way and may be an obstacle to make us reach our goal that we want to reach.  there are four things that you are doing may be a block that might not let you achieve your goal.

Choosing the wrong career:
Choosing something you do not like you are not going to be motivated to move forward or be creative in your job. Everyday going to be difficult because you are doing something you are not interested to do might be difficult for you to continue in your job.
Over working:
Working hard is good thing to do to get promoted in work and will also help you reach your goal but instead of working hard, work smarter. As fact working for a long time means you are not good at managing your time.

Ignoring stress sign:
Pretending to be fine is not going to make you forward in your job but the opposite. Stress can affect your health for long term of your career because stress can affect you physically and mentally, which can affect the way you represent your work and the progression you will do to reach your goal. The best thing to do is to treat yourself, so you can be really good.

Being nice:
Being nice is okay but being too nice to do someone else work will not help you to move forward in your career because you are not focusing in your work and your goal if you are doing someone else work. Try to be selfish to fulfill your dream instead of doing another person work.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

علم الرياضيات

إن علماء المسلمين تذكر أعمالهم و تدرس حتى في عصرنا الحديث،  الذي يعتبر عصر النهضة و التقدم. فضل العلماء المسلمين الذين ترجموا كتب من علماء الإغريق و الهنود  و طوروا علومهم.   وجد علم الرياضيات بسبب حاجة الإنسان لها،  و على هذا الأساس طور  المسلمين  علم الرياضيات  من أجل تطبيق كلام الله تعالى بأفضل طريقة ممكنة. مثل التعرف على وقت الصلاة، وبعد التعلم و الإستفادة من علم الرياضيات يستخدمونه في علوم أخرى مختلفة، مثل الفلك لإيجاد الوقت الصحيح. استخدم قضاة المسلمين الرياضيات من أجل معرفة حق كل شخص من الميراث من مال و أرض إذا كان الميراث قطعة أرض. 
التعريف بعَلم الرياضيات و تطوره:
علم الرياضيات هو العلم الذي يستخدم الأرقام لحل المسائل، و أيضا لتطوير النظريات العلمية. علم الرياضيات يستخدم في معظم العلوم بطريقة مختلفة، مثل  علم المثلثات الكروي في حل المسائل الصعبة في الفلك و رسم الخرائط و التجارة. من فروع الرياضيات: علم الجبر و المثلثات، التي  ساهم المسلمون في تطويرها و يعتبرون من المؤسسين لهذا العلم، بسبب ما قدموه من اكتشافات و نظريات. هنالك علماء مسلمون قد برزوا في هذا العلم و طوره بطرق عدة و من هؤلاء العلماء الخوارزمي، و الكاشي ، و عمر الخيام والكثير غيرهم. 

الرياضيات قبل ظهور الإسلام:

استخدمت الأرقام في جميع الحضارات و كانت الأرقام تكتب بطريقة مختلفة عن الحضارات الأخرى، الحضارات قبل الإسلام كانت: الفرعونية، الإغريقية، البابلية،الهندية، و الصينية، كلهم قدموا شيئآٓ لعلم الرياضيات. في الحضارة الفرعونية ابتكروا النظام العشري و أسسواعلم  المثلثات، و كان يعتبر نوع من الهندسة في عصر الفراعنة، و الأهرامات  الثابتة حتى يومنا هذا دليل على علم الفراعنة في علم المثلثات. و إيضا بدلاًًًَ من عد الأيدي، أخترع الصينيون  المعداد اليدوي الذي يسمى الأبوكس. اهتم علماء الإغريق بعلم الرياضيات، لتحديد مواقع الشمس و القمر الإغريقين، و كان لديهم علماء مشهورين قد طوروا علم الرياضيات، و من أشهر علماء الإغريقين  أرخميدس الذي اكتشاف طرائق حساب المساحات و الأحجام و طريقة الكتابة بالأرقام الكبيرة، إقليدس الذي انشأ نظام هندسي يستخدم الاستنتاج  المنطقي. و في الحضارة البابلية طوروا النظام الستيني الذي يستخدم لمعرفة الوقت.

علماء المسلمين في الرياضيات:
العالم محمد بن موسى الخوارزمي هو عالم في  الجغرافية، و الفلك، و الرياضيات، و يعتبر من أوائل علماء المسلمين في علم الرياضيات، و أكثر العلماء الذين ساعدوا في تطوير هذا العلم. ولد في خوارزم عام ٧٨١م ثم انتقل إلى العيش في بغداد مع عائلته،من أجل العلم، و مات هناك في عام ٨٤٧م. اشتهر الخوارزمي في بغداد و كسب ثقة المأمون، بسبب أعماله و ما طوره و  إنجزاته. هنالك الكثير من الإنجازات التي قدمها الخوارزمي في علم الرياضيات و كثير مما قدمه الخوارزمي نستفيد منه في عصرنا الحديث. الخوارزمي يعتبر مؤسس علم الجبر، لأنه حل المسألة المتعلقة في الجبر بطريقة علمية منظمة،و شرح القواعد، و من أشهر كتبه حساب الجبر و المقابلة و يعتبر من أهم الكتب في التاريخ. الخوارزمي أدخل مصطلح الجبر و اللوغاريتم، و هو أول من عرف أحاديات الحدود و وضع قوانين و قواعد لضرب أي عددين منها.و في علم المثلثات طور الجيب التمام و الجداول المثلثاتية. كان في الماضي بدل أن يوضع الرقم صفر كانو يتركون المكان فارغ و  الأرقام التي كانت تستخدم كانت الأرقام الإغريقية الطويلة و التي تأخذ مساحة كبيرة، و لكن بفضل الخوارزمي الذي و ضع  مفهوم الرقم الصفر، و أيضاًً الأرقام التي يسهل كتابتها.ثابت بن قرة بن مروان و يلقب إقليدس العرب ولد في حران سنة ٨٣٦م و توفي سنة ٩٠١م في بغداد. كان عالم في الطب و الرياضيات و الفلك.من إسهاماته في الرياضيات  دراساته القيمة عن الأعداد؛ حيث قسم الأعداد إلى قسمين: الأعداد الزوجية، والفردية، كما قسم العدد نفسه إلى أنواع ثلاثة: العدد التام والعدد الناقص والعدد الزائد، وأوجد طريقة سهلة لإستخراج الأعداد المتحابة لاعبة دوراً كبيراً في علم الرياضيات العربي. وهو يعد أول شرقي بعد الصينيين بحث في المربعات السحرية وخصائصها.  غياث الدين بن مسعود  بن محمد الكاشي ولد في سنة ١٣٨٠ وتوفي عام ١٤٣٦، و هو من  فارس ولد في مدينة كشان ابتكر الكسور العشرية،  كما وضع الكاشي قانوناً خاصاً بتحديد قياس أحد أضلاع مثلث انطلاقاً من قياسي ضلعيه الآخرين وقياس الزاوية المقابلة له، بالإضافة إلى قانون خاص بمجموع الأعداد الطبيعية المرفوعة إلى القوة الرابعة، طور عمر الخيام  الكسور العشرية، و بفضله استطاع الكاشي إيجاد  قيمة نسبة تقريبية، التي تعني نسبة محيط الدائرة إلى قطرها، وأعطى قيمة صحيحة لستة عشر رقماً عشرياً. و من مؤلفاته كتاب مفتاح الحساب درس في الجامعات و المدارس لقرون.

إسهامات علماء المُسلمين في الرياضيات:

نحن في هذا العصر نستفيد  من الإنجازات  التى قدمها علماء المسلمين. قَد أدخل الخوارزمي  الرقم صفر الذي سهل به الترقيم و الحساب. بفضل الرقم الصفر و علم اللوغاريتم نشأ علم الحاسوب، و أيضاً استخدام الصفر أدى إلى سهولة حل المسائل الرياضية و غيرها. الجبر يستخدم في جميع العلوم  مثل الفيزياء و الكيمياء و التجارة و علوم أخرى.  علم  اللوغاريتم يستخدم في  برمجة الحاسوب و هو أساس علم الحاسوب. بلا دراسة ثابت بن قرة بن مروان   للأعداد، تكون النتائج غير دقيقة، و دراسته يجب أن تستخدم في جميع المسائل الرياضية، و بعض إنجازته تستخدم من أجل إدارة الوقت. إنجازات الكاشي  قد ساهمت في المسافة و الإتجاهات  و المساحة و  البعد و الهندسة و في نظريات مختلفة، و في عصرنا الحالي استخدم علمه لإختراع نظام التموضع العالمي و في الخرائط.


البروفيسور سليم الحسني، 1001ألف اختراع و اختراع، ص٦٥

البروفيسور سليم الحسني، مصدر سابق، ص٦٤-٧٠

إبراهيم محمد القابني ، دور المسلمين في تطوير العلوم، ص ٢٤-٢٥الخوارزمى:-مؤسس-علم-الجبر.htmlابت-بن-قرة-عالم-الطب-والفلك-والرياضيات.htmlالكاشي:-مخترع-الآلة-الحاسبة.html

Monday, October 13, 2014

Tips how to be on time to work

How many times are you late for work? If you are countless   late for job and in rush to go then you might want to not have a chance to promote or even make your boss be happy. There are some tips to be on time to work and not to be late.

Be organized:

Choose  what you are going to wear the night before you are going to work it or organizing your bag and having everything in the bag like your wallet, car keys, and anything you need. These simple things you do at night instead of the moring can make you save some time that you need.

If you do not wake up because of your alarm than it might be helpful to put to alarm or if you think that the alarm sound is not enough be sure to the alarm noisy before sleeping. It might be a good idea to choose a music that you think will wake you up. It might be a good idea to take your alarm away from you that might encourage you to move and close it.

Sleep early:
Sleeping early can make you wake up on time and you will be energies to go to work. It may be difficult to sleep early but you have try your best to sleep. You can do yoga or drink milk with honey that can help you sleep.


Quick tests to know who to trust people in work

Going to work everyday meeting the same people everyday and not knowing who to trust and who not to is difficult to deal with. I believe when you know who you can trust and who you can not you will feel more comfortable around your colleagues.

Share a small secret:

Sharing a something true about yourself and you do not mind anyone to know. If your secret spread you can the person you told is not trustworthy but if he/ she was a good person and didn't not tell anyone about it you can know it is a a person you can trust.

Offers idea in the meeting:
All you colleagues are there as well as your manger it is your time to share your ideas with them and to know who is going to get the credit you will get it, your team, or the manger. When you know who get it you can know the person that will do anything to gain what they want but if you got it lucky you.

Ask for gossip:
Talking with your co-workers about others can make you know who is talking behind your back and who may but not much. A person who talk too much about others peoples be sure they are talking about you as well but if a person gives a simple opnion and move on this person may talk about you but not much or in a dirty way.

Ask for help:
Asking your collegue to help you in something that you are facing difficulty with you can they are people that you can not trust them to help you in a series situations. People who would be happy to help they are people you can trust for sure for any difficult situation you may face in the future.

Go to lunch together:
People may act different when they are outside  the office. Notice what are the topics they are talking about and if it is postively or negatively if they are talking negatively about the work too much they may not be a person you can trust but if they are postive and give you advices they can be a people that you can trust and be a friend with.

Source: allwomenstalk--- quick tests to find out who to trust at work 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

History of Coffee

coffee is consumed by many peoples around the world. Coffee have been discovered in Ethiopia by a farmer in fact Ethiopia   is located in Africa. Women they are responsible for making coffee most of the time. Coffee then went to Yemen, people from Yemen enjoyed drinking coffee and they shared the coffee with other Arab counties. Yemen started to trade coffee in other places of the world and problem that is how coffee become popular among the Arabs. After years of discovering the coffee in Arab counties and in Africa it became known to the Turkish people and it became really important for them and it was ad drink they might drink everyday as well. Turkish people also enjoyed coffee houses where they can talk freely about the things they want, they can also meet many of their friends there,  also enjoy their time playing some games with their friends, and it was men place. Turkish people spread it to the  European people  about the coffee. People in Vince(Italy)   did not like the sour taste of the coffee so they decided to add some milk to it to make the taste better. Women enjoyed drinking coffee as much as men did. In France people enjoyed drinking coffee because they can talk freely about politic and we can conclude that many fights that happened in France between the people and the government was because of the coffee that make people awake and more alert. There were coffee houses that some writer enjoyed going and also had their inspiration from there. People in England found that making a coffee was hard and not easy to do so they decided to drink tea because it was easier to make and taste good as well. Great Britain spread to America, American people liked drinking coffee but the real reason is because the English people put a high taxes for tea so that is why Americans started drinking coffee because it was cheaper. At last, coffee is a tasty drink that you can enjoy drinking with friends and family.

الغزو المغولي للأمة الأسلامية

 الغزو المغولي للأمة الأسلامية
  المغول هم من عددة دول وهي منغوليا، الصين و روسيا و هذه الدول تقع في وسط آسيا (١). المغول هم  أول من أستولى على ملك العرب بعد  مئات السنين من خلافة العرب. نستطيع إن نصف المغول بأنهم قوم غير متحضر لما فعلوه لدول الإمة الإسلامية من خراب و تدمير المنازل، ورمي الكتب في الماء،(٢)، إيضا تدمير معالم الحضارية مهمة مثل دار الحكمة. لنتعرف أكثر عن ما هي الإمور التي جعلت المغول إلى غزو الأمة الإسلامية، كيفية تعامل الملمسلمين ضد الغزو المغولي، و أخيرن ما هي آثار الغزو المغولي على الإمة الإسلامية. (٣)  .

ما هي الإمور التي جعلت المغول إلى غزو الأمة الإسلامية

ضعف الدولة العربية في أواخر القرن السابع الهجري مما أدى إلى سهولة دخول المغول إلى دول الإمة الإسلامية و  القضاء على كثير من دول الإسلامية.(4) و النزعات بين الدول الإسلامية  و التفرق الذي حصل لدول الأمة الإسلامية. أيضا من أهم الأسباب, ضعف الخلافة العباسية في قرن السابع  مما أدى إلي عدم قدرتها على إن تسيطر على الدول لإسلامية مما جعل لكل  دولة حاكم منفرد. (5) سبب أخرى,  هو تكون جيوش الأمة الإسلامية من الدول الفارس و االترك و الزنجية و هذا كان يعتبر خطر على الدولة العباسية, مثل لفارس إذا تريد الإنقلاب على الدولة العباسية سيكون سهل عليها الإن دولة فارس تعرف طريقة تدريب الجيش، و الإسلحة التي يستخدمونها العباسية، وإيضا ستعرف خططها و هذا يعتبر خطاء و أخيرا أستبدال العطاء النقدي لجنود السلاجقة بالإقطاع (أمتلاك الموارد العامة لكل الإقطاع)  (6) و ايضا الإنحراف العقدي  الغنياء صارو يصرفون أموالهم في أمور الحياة و أصبحو أقل زهدا مما كانو عليه(7) . مما سبب في ضعف الجيش بسب أختلاط  قطاع الجيش مع الإقطاع الأخرى و أهمها الأقطاع الأداري و هذه القطاعات لم تكن تخضع لكلام السلطان نفسه إيضا و لعل هذا  هو السبب لضعف الجيش الإسلامي و شلله.(8)

كيفية تعامل الملمسلمين ضد الغزو المغولي:

ولم يكن المعتصم بتحضير الجيش الأن الوزير قد طردهم و أيضا لم يكن السوار المدينة محصن جيدا، فزا المغول في هذه المعركة و دمرو بغداد و قتلو كثير من الناس  . تأسيس دولة جديدة بقيادة السلطان الظاهر,   أول ردة فعل عربي إسلامي عسكري خلال غزو المغولي لدولة الإسلامية و هذه  المعركة الفاصلة  بين الأمة الإسلامية و المغول, هذه هي معركة عين جالوت التي خسر المغول لأول مرة في معركة ضد المسلمين و هذا يعتبر أول فوز للمسلمين ضد المغول و يعتبر أن المغول لم يستطيعو إن يسيطرو على الدول أخرى

أخيرن ما هي آثار الغزو المغولي على الإمة الإسلامية:

هنالك أمور حدثة عندما غزا المغول الإمة الإسلامية و أيضا أمور كثيرة قد تغرت في الأمة الإسلامية و أهمها   سقوط الخلافة العباسية مما يعني إن العباسيون لم يستطيعو على الحفاظ على الدولة الإسلامية(9) و من الأمور المهمة التي حدثة سقوط امارة خوارزم وهي احد الامارات التي ظهرت بعد ضعف ولم تعد العراق عاصمة الدولة الاسلامية  . أمور عديدة حدثت لسكان بغداد و منها و أيضا  تدهور حال السكان المحلين و الزراعين وايضا انتشار الامراض   فقد الشعب حقوقهم وايضا دفع الضرائب باهضة الثمن.(10)
(1), من هم المغول والتتار؟ وماهي أصولهم ومناطقهم؟
(2), من هم المغول و لماذا نهانا الرسول (صلى الله غليه و سلم) عن قتالهم
 (3) دولة التتار(المغول ) من البداية الى السقوط,

(4), 34 تاريخ ثالث متوسط التوسع المغولي ومقاومته

 (5) د.زقاسم عبده القاسم, ما هية الحروب الصلبية,صفحة-158 -159
(6) د.زقاسم عبده القاسم, ما هية الحروب الصلبية,صفحة 160
(8) د.زقاسم عبده القاسم, ما هية الحروب الصلبية,صفحة 160-161

(9), 34 تاريخ ثالث متوسط التوسع المغولي ومقاومته

 (10) د.زقاسم عبده القاسم, ما هية الحروب الصلبية,صفحة-158 -159 

Friday, August 22, 2014

lessons learned from julius caesar

 People want to be led,but not controlled.
people might like their leader to tell them where to go and what they have to do but they do not like someone to control them. If you are the leader of the group or want to be leader you do not have to be controlling the people but instead lead them to the right path.

“Experience is the teacher of all things.”
people who lived  longer have more experience than younger people a good example is our parents when they tell us not to do certain things they know what they are talking about because they experienced it. In addition, when you are reading a book about how to make people like you without trying the instruction and the tips in the book you are not going to learn much because you are not doing an action to experience  the things written in the book.

 “Cowards die many times before their actual deaths.”
People that are afraid to say something to defend themselves when someone hurt their feeling or do something bad against them, these people are going to die everyday because they are not trying to say something to defend themselves. Moreover, sometimes people may treat you in a way you do not like in fact they do not know that you do not like the way they treat you, so if you do not tell them that they are treating you badly they are not going to know so they will continue treating you in a bad way.

“I had rather be first in a village than second at Rome.
There are things you have to be first for example if you enjoy playing football you have to be the best player in the team, even if you are not good basketball player at least you are the best football player in your team. Try to be the best in something and be number one in that thing
“It is not these well-fed long-haired men that I fear, but the pale and the hungry-looking.”
Sometimes the people we have to be afraid of are the people that we think they are not going to reach to anything, they are the people that we have to be afraid of. I think because we know what the powerful person have of abilities and we know what to except from them but the people who we believe they can not do anything we can not imagine what they can do because they can do anything in our opinion.
 “It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life.”
when you find a new way to solve a math problem you are going to love math but if you are using the same method the teacher gave you you are going to like math. Creating something new for example a new recipe is fun and also add something to your life, you feel you accomplished something.
" Ask everything of your people, but reward them like kings."
When you there are people working for you did something good you have to reward them by giving them something or telling them a nice word because people want to get a reward for what they did to feel valuable. DO not forget to show that you are thankful to the people that did something good for you, by nice words or by giving them something.
“The die is cast.”
There are things you can not change like the sun have to be rising in the morning and the moon have to rise in the night it is something you can not change. Think about something you can change in the company like improving the sales by inventing something new or working harder to influence more poeple. Try to think about something you can change instead of thinking  to change something that is not possible to change.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

أقوال وحكم

الصمت يكون أفضل رد على من يستهزء بك.

 يجب إن لا تسمع لما تقول نفسك لك الأنها يمكن إن تخرجك عن الطريق الصواب و لهذا يجب عدم السماع لما يقول قلبك لك
لا تذل نفسك من جل أي شخص, لأن حتى إذا صرة أقوى وأفضل منه ستضل ذليلن و أضعيف أمامه.

إذا كنت تريد إن تنصح شخص عمل شيء خاطىء يجب إن تنصححه في مكان لا يوجد أحديسمع حديثكما,الإنك سوف تجعل فعله  .فضيحة بين الناس

 تخيل بأنك سوف تشفى من المرض هو دواء في الوقت نفسه, إن الاراحة و عدم الإنزعاج من المرض, التحمل على المرض يكون أوال شياء تفعله لشفاء.
  إن الله تعالى فضلنا بدين الإسلام و لهذايجب إن نفعل مل يطلب منا الله تعالى و عدم اتباع دين أخرى . الأنا إذا فعلنا ذلك لن يساعدنا الله تعالى.
الكلام مع الأخرين عنمشاعرك الأنهم لن يستطيعوا فهمك أو الشعور بما تشعر.
يجب إن نستمتتع بكل دقيقة تمر في حياتنا و عدم أهتمام بمذا يمكن إن يحدثفي المستقبل.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Instead of being angry

There are simple ways to release your anger so you can manage your anger  so you do not regret any of your action.

If you are angry with someone and you are always thinking about the problem or  what they said instead of going to that person and throw words that you will regret each word yo said, go to your bed and have a sleep.


If you are talking to someone,  what they are saying annoying you try to smile and laugh even if it is going to be weird situation ( better than a fight). If you do not want someone to show you are laughing hide your smile by your hands.

If a person annoying by their action or their words breath slowly in and out or go excuse yourself for five minutes to have a short walk to think in a better way. I think boxing is good exercise to release all your anger if you are thinking about it.


If you are in your home go play in you Xbox, Wii or play station fighting game like Naruto, one piece or any game includes fighting can be useful but if you do not have any of this devices download fighting application in your mobile.


writing about your feelings  is the best thing to do when you are angry from the way your boss is talking to you because it is going to be better than facing him/ her and get fired from your job. After, writing you can burn the paper to feel more satisfy or have better feeling.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Anger Management

We face many problems in work, school, or house that make us get angry at someone that do not have any relation with  you problem because they annoyed you with something. Anger can cause you many problems with other people if  your feeling not under your control. There are several ways to have control in your anger to not cause any problems with any person or hurt their feelings.

Understand your anger:
When you get angry try to take few minutes to think why you are angry? why do you have this feeling? If you have this feeling, think about your feeling before you get angry stay with yourself for few minutes and think about it.  In this way you have collected your thought so you know how to reply in a better way and not to regret what you are going to say.

Anger signs:
There are some anger signs that you have to know so you can stop before doing something that you will regret. If you are sweating, heart beat fast, you feel nervous, getting red face, clench your fists or other signs that you know you can get. It  better to know what are the signs to make you angry so you move a way or control your feelings.

way to take control:
There are some ways to control your angry if you are realize that you are going to be really angry. If you are standing up sit down in any place, try to count to 10 but if you are very angry to 100 if you did not calm down, or try to take a walk for 5 minutes or go to another place. Take slow deep breath to relax and feel better.

search for solution
If you have a problem with someone for example, you are facing problem with your parents because they do not allow you to go out to your parents party. Try to know why they are not letting you to go out and try to understand them. In this way you can find a good way to make them allow you to go out with your friend and also have a good relation with your parents as well. I think it will better than shouting and crying because they do not allow you to go out.

Stop blaming:
If something went  wrong you might blame someone else for that mistake for example, if you are baking a cake with someone and the cake did not taste good you will blame someone else added something extra or forget to add ingredient. Instead of blaming someone else try to blame yourself and try to see what are your mistakes. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Ice-cream is one of the favorite desert for anyone. I love to eat ice-cream because it is creamy and also have many different delicious flavors. The ice-cream is always have to be served cold which make it the best desert choice for the summer time. I believe that eating ice-cream for 30 minutes can make you full.

Banana Ice-cream

when I first saw it I was really surprised how he open the yellow layer and the yellow layer did not fell down. I will really enjoy eating it in the street so everyone can see me have the weirdest ice-cream that looks like a banana.

Stick ICE-cream
The ice-cream have a stick shape filled with vanilla flavor. This ice-cream you can only get it in spring and summer only.
Ice-cream Sandwich
I think it really looks delicious and also new way to severe ice-cream for your guests instead of the scooping ice-cream in a bowl as the traditional way.

Caramel-Almond Ice Cream Torte

Ice cream torte I believe it will be better to be severe in the summer instead of cake or cheesecake. It is also easy way to make and also do not need to take a lot of your time to make a desert.

cookies and cream mocha milkshake 
I really love to drink milk shake in a cold or hot weather because it taste irresistible. I think adding a scoop one or two of  your favorite ice-cream flavor will make it taste much better to drink.


Neapolitan ice-cream bonbons

I really like the idea to have three different things together to make a delicious desert to eat in the afternoon when the weather is really hot at that time. 

chocolate pretzel peanut butter ice cream (vegan)
Instead of  plain ice cream that is full with different flavors I think adding something to the ice cream like a pretzel, biscuit, or even chocolate can make the ice cream more desirable to eat and also enjoyable to make. 

Grilled peaches with caramel pecan ice cream

Eating fresh fruits with ice cream will make it tastier to eat and might be also healthier because fruits contain a lot of good vitamins and other nutrient benefits for your healthier. I see it is also a good way to eat fruits with ice cream especially if you don't like eating fruits it can encourage you to eat some fruits and enjoy eating it.

Pumpkin Cinnamon Bun Ice Cream (No Churn)

eating Ice-cream with waffle cone at the park after enjoying your time at the park or after along time shopping at the mall, I believe it is really good to treat yourself something sweet after finishing your shopping or playing games.

Sorbet Watermelon Wedges

Using watermelon wedges is a good idea to put sorbet and also creative way. Kids can eat it and when they finish throw it instead of giving them a bowl that they have ti bring it back to the kitchen and they do not really do it.


Friday, July 25, 2014

28 رمضان.. فتح الأندلس

 شهر رمضان المبارك إحدى وتسعين للهجرة بدأ فتح الإسلام بلاد الأندلس (الفردوس الإسلامي المفقود).

 فتح الأندلس على يد المقاتل البارع والقائد الفذ طارق بن زياد.

ويُروى أن طارق بن زياد حينما وصل اليابسة من بلاد الأندلس، أحرق السفن التي عبروا البحر فوقها، لكي يقطع طريق العودة على جنوده، فيجعلوا كل همِّهم في النضال والكفاح، وخطبهم خطبته الرائعة التي قال فيها

بعد أن حمد الله وأثنى عليه بما هو أهله، وحثَّ المسلمين على الجهاد ورغَّبهم فيه
أيها الناس، أين المفر؟ البحر من ورائكم، والعدو أمامكم، وليس لكم والله إلا الصدق والصبر، واعلموا أنكم في هذه الجزيرة أضيع من الأيتام في مأدبة اللئام، وقد استقبلكم عدوكم بجيشه وأسلحته، وأقواته موفورة، وأنتم لا وزر لكم إلا سيوفكم، ولا أقوات إلا ما تستخلصونه من أيدي عدوكم، وإن امتدت بكم الأيام على افتقاركم، ولم تنجزوا لكم أمرًا ذهبت ريحكم، وتعوَّضت القلوب من رعبها منكم الجراءة عليكم، فادفعوا عن أنفسكم خذلان هذه العاقبة من أمركم بمناجزة هذا الطاغية (يقصد لذريق) فقد ألقت به إليكم مدينته الحصينة، وإن انتهاز الفرصة فيه لممكن، إن سمحتم لأنفسكم بالموت.

وإني لم أحذركم أمرًا أنا عنه بنجوة، ولا حَمَلْتُكُمْ على خطة أرخص متاع فيها النفوس إلا وأنا أبدأ بنفسي، واعلموا أنكم إن صبرتم على الأشقِّ قليلاً، استمتعتم بالأرفَهِ الألذِّ طويلاً، فلا ترغبوا بأنفسكم عن نفسي، فما حظكم فيه بأوفى من حظي.

ثم قال وقد انتخبكم الوليد بن عبد الملك أمير المؤمنين من الأبطال عُربانًا، ورضيكم لملوك هذه الجزيرة أصهارًا، وأختانًا، ثقة منه بارتياحكم للطعان، واستماحكم بمجالدة الأبطال والفرسان؛ ليكون حظُّه منكم ثواب الله على إعلاء كلمته وإظهار دينه بهذه الجزيرة، وليكون مغنمًا خالصة لكم من دونه، ومن دون المؤمنين سواكم، والله – تعالى – ولَّى أنجادكم على ما يكون لكم ذِكرًا في الدارين.

واعلموا أنني أول مُجيب لما دعوتكم إليه، وأني عند مُلتقى الجمعين حامل نفسي على طاغية القوم لذريق، فقاتله - إن شاء الله تعالى -، فاحملوا معي، فإن هلكت بعده، فقد كفيتكم أمره، ولم يعوزكم بطلب عاقد تسندون أموركم إليه، وإن هلكت قبل وصولي إليه؛ فاخلفوني في عزيمتي هذه، واحملوا بأنفسكم عليه، واكتفوا الهمَّ من فتح هذه الجزيرة بقتله؛ فإنهم بعده يُخذلون (هناك من يشك في هذه الخطبة، وتراجع تفاصيل ذلك والرد عليه في كتاب ملامح أدبية ص 174 وما بعدها).

وهنا انشرحت صدور هؤلاء الجنود، وهبَّت رياح النصر عليهم، وأحسنوا الظن بربهم كأنهم يرون بأعينهم ما سيهيئه لهم من نجاح وفلاح، وقالوا لقائدهم طارق قد قطعنا الآمال مما يخالف ما عزمت عليه، فاحضر إلى الطاغية لذريق فإننا معك وبين يديك.

ثم وقعت المعركة الحاسمة بين قوة المسلمين وجيوش ملك القوط المسيطرين على بلاد الأندلس يوم 28 رمضان السنة الثانية والتسعين للهجرة (19 يونيو 711م)، وانتهت باندحار القوط وانتصار المسلمين.

 وهكذا يضاف إلى رصيد رمضان العظيم المبارك الذكريات الخالدة الماجدة، حصيلة جديدة.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

فضل ليلة القدر

 أعظم فضائل شهر رمضان اشتماله علىليلة القدر التي باركها الله وشرفها على غيرها من الليالي، قال تعالى: {إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ * وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ * لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ * تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِم مِّن كُلِّ أَمْرٍ * سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّى مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ[القدر:5 -1-
- وليلة القدر في العشر الأواخر من رمضان؛ لقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: «تحروا ليلة القدر في العشر الأواخر من رمضان» (متفق عليه).
 قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «التمسوها في تاسعة تبقى، وفي سابعة تبقى، وفي خامسة تبقى» (رواه البخاري).
وقد أخفى الله سبحانه وتعالى علمها على العباد رحمةً بهم؛ ليكثر عملهم في طلبها في تلك الليالي الفاضلة بالصلاة والذكر والدعاء، فيزدادوا قربة من الله وثوابً، وأخفاها اختبارًا لهم أيضًا؛ ليتبين بذلك من كان جادًّا في طلبها حريصًا عليها ممّن كان كسلان متهاونًا" [مجالس شهر رمضان].
ل لفضل هذه الليلة هي الدعاء، حيث قال النبي  لأم المؤمنين عائشة -رضي الله عنها- لما سألته عن الدعاء في ليلة القدر: "قولي: اللهم إنك عفو كريم تحب العفو فاعف عني". ولعل في ذكر آية الدعاء بين آيات الصوم ما يشير إلى أهمية الدعاء في شهر رمضان عمومً، قال سبحانه: {وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ[البقرة: 186].

ومن فضائل ليلة القدر: ما ثبت في الصحيحين عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: «من قام ليلة القدر إيمانًا واحتسابًا غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه» (متفق عليه). فقوله: «إيمانًا واحتسابًا» يعني إيمانًا بالله، وبما أعد الله من الثواب للقائمين فيه، واحتسابًا 
للأجر وطلب الثواب.