Thursday, April 17, 2014

ٍٍStop Complaining

Complaining is a bad habit to adopt ; this habit can make you think negatively in many situations and avoid being a positive thinker. This type of conversations can make make people avoid you because they don't enjoy listening to you. There are several ways to stop complaining.

Worst Exception:
There are sometimes when we except more than the result we get so in this way we feel depressed and sad from the result we got; instead of only thinking about the positive things that might happen we also have to except the worst things that might happen in that situation.

We see some of our friends do not complain about other peoples and their life situations did you wonder why they are like this; the don't complain because the are busy with other things in their life or think they have other things are more important than complain about things that they see is not important to waste time to talk about it. Try to be busy with things that are more important than complaining.

Less Judgmental:
There are sometimes we don't listen to the half of the story which might make us feel bad about the other person and let us complain about the story we were told. Our mistake we judge people that we met for several times and in my opinion we don't have to think about them because we don't know their stories.

Accept it:
complaining about a situation will not change anything about the events that happened; even if we complain about the people they will not change. We also have to think about people that are more important to us.

complaining will not change anything so you have to be happy for what happen even if it was the opposite off what what we need. As result we can't change anything that had happened

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